Transformers are used to transfer electric energy from one or more circuits to one or more other circuits without the use of moving parts. The transfer of this energy is accomplished by a shared magnetic field, which allows changes in current flow to be induced from one circuit to another. Among the most important uses of a transformer is the ability to transmit power over extremely long distances. Transformers can also be used to change voltage and current in a DC circuit, as well as to convert AC or DC power to the other.
Specifically, toroidal transformers offer exceptional efficiency, minimal excess noise and little excess leakage inductance. Because the entire core is used, toroidal transformers can weigh as little as half as much as a traditional transformer and still provide more than 90 percent efficiency. They are categorized in Volt Amps, and size can be determined by operating frequency of the application. Higher frequencies typically require smaller transformers.
New winding and manufacturing equipment has lowered the cost of toroidal transformers, and has allowed the production of such transformers for higher volt amp capacities. Toroidal transformers are also used in certain audio applications, as well as in a multitude of electronic devices. Manufacturers typically offer a variety of standard and custom mounting options, such as bolt mounts and molded-in threaded inserts, as well as different types of shielding.
The toroidal transformer advantages:
High electrical efficiency,
Low noise level,
Lowelectromagnetic interference (EMI),
Low signal distortion,
Minimal magnetic core losses,
Low hysteresis and magnetizing current,
Effectively deployed heating,
Simple housing and protection,
Small dimension.
Application areas;
All electrical and electronic equipment, military systems, machine applications, power supplies, audio systems, telecommunications, lighting systems, drives, automation systems used in electric power, UPS and others.