Electromagnetic interference (EMI), also called radio-frequency interference (RFI) when in the radio frequency spectrum, is a disturbance generated by an external source that affects an electrical circuit by electromagnetic induction, electrostatic coupling, or conduction. The disturbance may degrade the performance of the circuit or even stop it from functioning. In the case of a data path, these effects can range from an increase in error rate to a total loss of the data. The design and manufacture of high performance electromagnetic shield enclosures is very important. The complete line of shielded enclosures incorporates a wide array of power and single line filters to provide effective EMI/RFI shielding which meets or exceeds industry standards. Filters are available for all types of shielded enclosure requirements. Additionally, filters are available for communication, electrical and electronic applications and medical systems. The filters are designed using state-of-the-art circuit and network theory. Power LIne Fitlers from 0,5 to 1000 Amp current ratings feature a single circuit design. This requires less material and therefore less space.High performance filters for common mode and differential mode noise suppression are available for those applications where line-to-line fitlering or extremely low leakage is required. Custom filters are available in special designs to meet customer specifications. These fitlers are used with the customer's equipment to comply with MIL, VDE and other specifications requiring stringent control of RF energy conducted on the power lines of various equipment and systems. In other applications, standard filter designs may be provided in custom-sized cases or panels to meet specific installation requirements.
Application Areas;
All electrical and electronic equipment, military systems, machine applications, power supplies, audio systems, transmission lines, power electronics circuits, measuring instruments, telecommunications, lighting systems , drives, CNC machine tools , automation systems used in electric power , UPS , etc.